Hey, Fellow Human:
You have needs.
It’s a fact, not a flaw.
And it’s time to explore how to take care of yours…
even especially when it feels impossible.
The good news: You don’t have to do it alone.
Because permission loves company. Consider this yours.
Because permission loves company. Consider this yours.
Presenting: The 1st annual Permission Loves Company
This round inaugural round of Permission Loves Company has come to a delightful end!
Dance on over to maraglatzel.com to check out upcoming offerings.
Calling all needy humans…
I’m throwing a party, and you’re invited
Permission Loves Company is an annual online block party that gives voice to the inner and outer work of tending to our needs, bodies, relationships + lives.
Permission Loves Company is for women, femmes, non-binary folks, and gender non-conforming folks like you who are ready to break down the cultural shame + stigma around neediness, heal familial legacies, and divest from social conditioning.
Over the course of one wildly nourishing week, we’ll go well beyond the typical conversation about rest, bubble baths, and hydration to explore physical, emotional, and spiritual needs through storytelling and conversations with brave humans who are committed to bringing the truest version of themselves to their relationships and the world around them.

What to bring:
You, in all your needy goodness.
What to leave behind:
Your habit of hiding your needs as if you’re wrong to have them. (We all do it.)
What you’ll leave with:
A deliciously doable plan of energetically restorative, generative support practices you can fit into your daily life that say: I matter. The quality of my life matters.
There’s no right way or wrong way to take care of your needs. There’s your way.
Let’s discover it together.

“Mara’s wisdom and words are gentle and fierce. I appreciate her real talk: There's a lot of shit we have to get done, too. She doesn't mince words about that. I love that balance and that mix of reality, but also keeping yourself and your humanity in that. Mara has this balance between being super gentle and kind and compassionate, but fiercely advocating for you, and then you feel empowered to advocate for yourself.”
- Aly S.
This isn’t your typical online summit…
As we gather at Permission Loves Company, we’re going to hit play on an epic playlist of speakers who will kindly explode your scope of what is possible to need and ask for.
And when you dance back to your day-to-day after these talks, you’ll be nourished with:

An expanded vision of — and vocabulary for — what you need in order to thrive

A clear and simple toolkit for identifying, honoring, and advocating for your needs

New role models in humans who are doing this work imperfectly yet tenaciously
…and an overwhelming sense of peace that you are not alone.
(Because you’re not.)
Each year’s gathering focuses on meeting one need.
During this year’s party, we’re calling in these perfectly imperfect humans to help us give permission to meet our need for pleasure

Jamila Reddy

Tara Jefferson

Marcia Baczynski

Hannah Marcotti

Dawn Serra

Nina Manolson

Nic Strack

Jolinda Johnson

Che Che Luna

Kerry Wilde
If your joy and pleasure are often lost in the mix of a life chock full of responsibility, this is your permission to do things differently.
Over the course of one week, the stories, tools, and practices you’ll be privy to will leave you feeling rooted and resourced to show up more compassionate, experimental, validating, curious, encouraging, and caring in your relationship with yourself.
And we’ll have a freakin’ delightful time doing it.
The Schedule:
Permission Loves Company starts Sunday, October 2nd…
THE KICKOFF CELEBRATION: We’ll meet at 3:30 pm Eastern / 12:30 pm Pacific to circle together for an epic welcome event, featuring a virtual dance party and journal prompts to get you ready to dive into our week together.
During this community love fest we will set our intentions for our time together, break down the walls of what is typically a shame-laden private conversation about needs we have with ourselves in the privacy of our own minds -- plus dance together, in the privacy of our own homes, wearing whatever we damn well please.
…and it continues all week.
Monday, October 3
Navigating Body Peace
Saying, "I want" is A Practice in Saying, "I deserve"
Tuesday, October 4
Orienting To Pleasure During Times of Grief
Adornment + Self-Expression
Wednesday, October 5
Reclaiming PLAY
Boundaries + Belonging
Thursday, October 6
Living + Creating Sustainably
Friday, October 7
Burnout + Perimenopause
Creativity + Receiving Pleasure
Saturday, October 8
Sunday, October 9
THE CLOSING CELEBRATION: We’ll gather live, one final time at 4 pm Eastern / 1 pm Pacific, to bring our week-long party to a glorious and intentional close under the full moon.
I’ll give you the “yeah, but how?”, coaching you to hone in on your takeaways from the week and make filling your need for pleasure super tangible and accessible so you can carry it over into your day-to-day life well after our magical week together has finished.
To maximize your pleasure: You’ll also receive an on-demand dance temple with instructions + a Spotify playlist to bring an extra ounce of bliss into your week.

Get your ticket to the party you didn't know you needed.
This round inaugural round of Permission Loves Company has come to a delightful end!
Dance on over to maraglatzel.com to check out upcoming offerings.
“The way Mara writes and speaks is gentle and affirming. As if she is right there with her hand out, ready to guide us and show us another way. I’m slowly becoming more discerning about those things I think I should do -- and allow myself to have little pockets of rest throughout my day instead of collapsing into a heap once my kids are in bed. Now, my needs and I are proudly sitting at the top of my to-do list and oddly enough, that’s really helped me make progress on the things that are important to me.”
- Nicole R.
I hear that track playing in your head: Now is not the time for this.
Which is why I’m here to tell you: There is no better time for this.
Mara here: Intuitive coach, writer + podcast host. Queer, femme, mother of 2. Recovering control freak. Human who deeply understands the impulse to relegate her needs to the bottom of a very long to-do list in an attempt to prove her worth.
I’ve made it my life’s mission to help other needy humans stop abandoning themselves and take up space in their own lives. (I literally wrote the book on it.)
And yet. Despite being committed to being the neediest human in America… meeting my need for pleasure can still be an edge for me.
We’re living in a world wrought by the climate crisis and profound eco-grief, stress and uncertainty around the future of Covid-19, constant rocking of our values in local, national + global politics, and trying to keep our kids fed and our hair washed.
It is easy to say that there is time for EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN before there is time for nourishing my need for pleasure... but I know good and well that it isn't sustainable.
And that, in fact, we need pleasure now more than ever.
I know I'm not alone. I know that permission loves company. And, I know, deeply, the glorious power of hearing the imperfect and deliciously real stories of how other humans endeavor to weave pleasure into their daily lives. Even when the world is burning.
I hope you’ll join me for this epic party. It’s my promise to you: You’ll be well tended to + treated. And you’ll never view your needs the same, again.

For one week: Suspend your disbelief and play with us
If you don’t have an inkling or hunger for living differently and are comfortable living in resentment, exhaustion, and rage, Permission Loves Company is not for you.
On the other hand, if you:
>> Grew up without role models showing you that your needs are valid, important, or deserving of space in your life, causing you to mask your needy self in order to be valued, loved, and successful,
>> Identify with the perfectionism, diminishment, and people pleasing woven into the experience of growing up in a gendered, patriarchal society and being socialized to do emotional labor for everyone else but yourself,
>> Cringe at the very idea of being labeled “needy,”
>> Forget what it’s like to play and feel pleasure,
>> And are ready to ask what’s possible and explore all the answers…
… then join us for the conversations that will remind you that self-trust and partnership is rooted in a simple -- yet not always easy -- daily practice of acknowledging and meeting your needs.
This round inaugural round of Permission Loves Company has come to a delightful end!
Dance on over to maraglatzel.com to check out upcoming offerings.
“Mara is a voice in my head. My inner mother is strong now, but Mara is the fairy godmother, patiently and kindly beckoning me into a new way of being. When you're ready to do the work, show up to Mara and it's going to happen.”
- Mariglynn E.
Permission Loves Company will stir that voice inside you, the one who’s been afraid to ask: What lights me up?
Only you can answer that. (And I hope you’ll join us to do just that.)
In the meantime, let’s get some of your questions answered:
We do not want the small, perfect, convenient, palatable, and easy-to-handle version of you.
We want you in all your needy glory, teeming with pleasure.
Your needs matter. Your dreams matter. The things that light you up and turn you on matter.
This is your permission to come explore them with us.